Friday, March 1, 2013

Image Matching Using Convex Optimization

Goal: The project studies approaches to recasting many classic image matching problems including, stereopsis, motion estimation, image registration and 3D volumetric matching as convex optimization problems that can be solved effectively using convex optimization methods.

Related Publications
  • Solving Image Registration Problems Using Interior Point Methods. C. J. Taylor and A. Bhusnurmath. European Conference on Computer Vision, October 2008
  • Graph Cuts via $\ell_1$ Norm Minimization. A. Bhusnurmath and C. J. Taylor. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, Vol: 30, No: 10, Pgs: 1866-1871, October 2008
  • Solving Stereo Matching Problems Using Interior Point Methods. A. Bhusnurmath and C. J. Taylor. Fourth International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization and Transmission, 3DPVT, Pgs: 321-329, June 2008
  • Applying Convex Optimization Techniques to Energy Minimization Problems in Computer Vision. A. Bhusnurmath. PhD Thesis, Computer and Information Science Department, University of Pennsylvania, 2008

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